decorating a child's room

Our tips for designing and decorating a child’s room


Today, wallpaper is making a strong comeback in decoration, especially in children’s rooms. Indeed, much faster and simpler to install than the old types of wallpaper, but above all particularly suitable for personalizing a room, the latter offers you the possibility of perfectly individualizing your child’s room by choosing patterns, designs or still the colors he likes. From now on, washable, spongeable or even brushable, the wallpaper also displays significant maintenance qualities for your little one’s room.

If you decide to opt for this type of coating, we advise you to take a look at the new generation of removable wallpaper that you can stick and take off as you wish. Ideal for dressing the walls of children, who are often likely to quickly get tired of their decoration…

For those who are not seduced by “the total wallpaper look”, we suggest you mix it with paint by covering two sections of wall with each of the two coatings. You can also use the wallpaper as a frieze that you put horizontally.

The painting

In terms of paint, Emmanuelle Ganansia and Vanessa Uzan, both interior designers and creators of the Nanelle boutique entirely dedicated to the world of children, advise you to choose two colors to paint the walls of your cherub’s bedroom. The idea is to pick a bold color that you subtly tone down with a softer, more pastel shade.

Thus the decorative effects can be diverse and varied; you can choose to paint only one wall, leaving the other three white, in which case the Nanelle decorators advise you to color the wall facing the door or the one against which the bed is installed. For what ? Quite simply because the change of color will create a nice contrast in the bedroom that will highlight the different shades.

You can also decide to dress the walls with asymmetrical horizontal or vertical strips of paint, playing on two distinct and harmonious colours.

Emmanuelle Ganansia and Vanessa Uzan also offer to paint a base to give a nice visual impact to the walls. This consists of painting the lower part of a pronounced color (about 1/3 of the wall) and the upper part (the remaining 2/3) of a brighter color in order to play on the contrasts.

For rooms that have pretty moldings, the decorators at Nanelle give you the idea of ​​painting the walls white and only coloring the moldings with a lively and vibrant shade. This will make them stand out in an original and modern way.

Note: we advise you to opt for more ecological paints in order to avoid the possible emanations of many VOCs, volatile organic compounds that are particularly harmful to health. Check the labels!


Regarding the colors to choose, everything is obviously possible but in order to avoid colorful and overly busy atmospheres, prefer plain and simple tones which will be naturally enhanced by decorative accessories but also by your child’s toys.

If the bedroom is small, be sure to choose colors that will soften and above all lighten the space in order to give the room a brighter and therefore more spacious atmosphere.

If you decide to paint the four walls in the same shade, you can dress them up in an original way by sticking pretty stickers on them whose playful colors and patterns will give effect to your child’s room. And as today a multitude of brands and shops sell fun stickers that illustrate animals, flowers, cars or even small cartoon characters… you will be spoiled for choice to perfect the decoration of your walls with funny and very decorative stickers!

If your little one is creative, we advise you to paint a section of wall with a “slate” effect paint which will transform it into a real school blackboard on which your child can draw, erase in two seconds and redraw… at will. his inspiration.


As far as lighting is concerned, the decorators at Nanelle advise you to install several light sources in the bedroom. The latter recommend placing about 3 types of lighting whose light intensities differ from each other in order to follow the various activities of the child throughout the day.

You can therefore choose to install a ceiling lamp which will act as the main lighting for the day and will be perfect for when the child is playing in his room, drawing and working.

Accompany it with one or two sconces placed on one of the walls. These will create less direct and softer lighting.

Then, do not hesitate to add one or more light garlands which can even remain lit at night as night lights.